Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Tale of Two Kitties

This is my daughter and this is "Momma Kitty". Momma Kitty was left by her owners so we have been taking care of her for awhile. We planned on getting her fixed but before we could get her an appointment she took off and showed up with a belly. I didn't realize how far along she was. On September first I was coming in from a morning run and she greeted me at the door as she usually does and she was looking a little thin. After inspection I realized she had the kittens.

This is my daughter and this is "Momma Kitty". Momma Kitty was left by her owners so we have been taking care of her for awhile. We planned on getting her fixed but before we could get her an appointment she took off and showed up with a belly. I didn't realize how far along she was. On September first I was coming in from a morning run and she greeted me at the door as she usually does and she was looking a little thin. After inspection I realized she had the kittens.

She meowed quite a bit and lead us over to where she had them. Since she doesn't like to come in the house, we have tried, we kept a close eye on her and the babies everyday.

 She actually had 4 kittens but one wasn't strong enough. It was heart breaking to see. He just wouldn't latch on. I called the vet and they said there was nothing I could do. The other three were very strong and I have to say Momma Kitty is a wonderful mother.

I am sad to say that after a few days she moved them which is what I was afraid of. I went looking for them but could not find them. It was a few weeks later and Momma Kitty showed up on my door step crying. I opened the door and my fear had been realized. They had been hurt. She brought me one of them and it was already gone. She kept looking up at me as if she wanted me to fix her and there was nothing I could do. My first thought was where are the other kittens. I ran in the house and told my husband what was happening. We were expecting some company for my son's Birthday but I went out to see if I could find the other two. I ran to the woods and could not find them. I ran to my neighbors house to see if he could help but he was not home. I then saw Momma kitty run accross the street with a ball of fur in her mouth and I saw the kittens legs curled up underneath. She had hidden the kitten across the street and was bringing them to my house under my porch for safety.  I had to get back to my family but as soon as everyone left I had to see if they were both there and both ok so I took my camera and held it under my porch because I couldn't fit in to see and took a few pictures and this is what I saw.

I was so happy they were safe and sound. I was also wondering how I was gonna get the plastic bottle out of there.  Over the next few weeks we watched them grow and kept an eye on them. Many nights after the kids went to bed David and I would sit on the porch with Momma Kitty and the babies. We had all the intention of finding them good homes. I was hoping to keep the two of them together. The Torte Kitten had gotten a bad wound on her head during the attack but did recover. Her sister would clean her and take care of her.

They were so funny playing all the time and they stuck right to the porch and Momma Kitty didn't move them again. The kids loved playing with them and watching them grow.

Cutest Kittens EVER!!!

 The time flew by and by the time they were old enough to find a home it was my birthday and my husband said that I could keep one. I really wanted to find a home for both of them together but that night all I could think about is that moment when I was unsure if they were still alive and the relief when I saw they were. I knew it was a lot and going to be more work for me but in the end we kept them and I wouldn't have it any other way.

                                 Penelope                                                                    Maggie


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